GET api/Account/{token}/verify
Get the user account for the given VerifyToken. The VerifyToken is considered expired after 10 hours from the last successful authentication.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
token |
The VerifyToken provided during authentication. |
string |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
AccountResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Account |
User Account profile |
UserAccount |
None. |
Success |
Boolean value indicating if request was fulfilled |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessage |
List of any errors or problems that prevented request from being fulfilled. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Account": { "UserAccountID": 54321, "Subscription": null, "VerifyToken": "f02b47b6-82e1-406c-8f97-96d6e11f3e16", "EmailAddress": "", "LastName": "Doe", "FirstName": "John", "Alias": "Johnny", "Passport": null, "Gender": "M", "BirthDate": "1970-06-28", "Address1": "123 Main St.", "Address2": "Apt. 2-D", "City": "AnyTown", "State": "NY", "Country": "US", "PostalCode": "10001", "Phone_Home": null, "Phone_Office": null, "Phone_Mobile": "2125551212", "SMS_OptIn": null, "MailingList_OptIn": true }, "Success": true, "ErrorMessage": [] }
application/xml, text/xml
<AccountResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ErrorMessage xmlns:d2p1="" /> <Success>true</Success> <Account> <Address1>123 Main St.</Address1> <Address2>Apt. 2-D</Address2> <Alias>Johnny</Alias> <BirthDate>1970-06-28</BirthDate> <City>AnyTown</City> <Country>US</Country> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <Gender>M</Gender> <LastName>Doe</LastName> <MailingList_OptIn>true</MailingList_OptIn> <Passport i:nil="true" /> <Phone_Home i:nil="true" /> <Phone_Mobile>2125551212</Phone_Mobile> <Phone_Office i:nil="true" /> <PostalCode>10001</PostalCode> <SMS_OptIn i:nil="true" /> <State>NY</State> <Subscription i:nil="true" /> <UserAccountID>54321</UserAccountID> <VerifyToken>f02b47b6-82e1-406c-8f97-96d6e11f3e16</VerifyToken> </Account> </AccountResponse>